Monday, May 23, 2011

This day..

This day, today, May 23, 2011 is the last day that Katie Nicole Tori will ever be together</3 It is the last day of period 1-4, which means our blog will be ending and you guys will have nothing to read</3

Im writing a song,

The Duck Ditty

Today, today
is a very sad day.
we are going away,
Oh my, oh my
please tell my why
nicole is a guy.
Butter Rounds oh Butter rounds,
i love the sounds
of thy butter rounds
Amp, amp
i dont want to go to summer camp </3

Im going to miss this class </3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Even the Littlest things can make me smile.

Im gonna be a humpback granny.I slouge soo bad. MAYFEST! I LOVE ROLLERCOASTER RIDES!! I feel like im a little kid when im at little carnivals and six flags and stuff. I always want to run to the lines I hate when people slowly walk because im ready to ride! Gosh im excited Friday, come sonner. Thursday, Im ready for you too BUT you better NOT rain because I have a soccer game thats the only reason Im excited for you but its my last game :'(  We have to win. We actually have fans that are coming! IM FREEZING COLD!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Why do I sleep so much?

Is it bad that I sleep so much? I sleep all the time in school... It sucks because recently I've been opening my mouth when I sleep... Thats a no no for school because open mouth= drooling
We all do it so wipe that disgusted look off your face. I don't even think I sleep that much. I'll look it up. I haven't remembered a dream in awhile, thats really sad :( I dream all the time and there really interesting. TORI HADDOX IS AN IDIOT AND A LIAR!!!!!! I DIDNT BELIEVE HER!

Why does nicole always sleep?

The Band Perry has a new song<3 its called "all your life" its amazing. ive had it on reply of 2 days.

i went to the horse races, lost 40$$ but i won 10$ so yeahh.

Im really tired and ready for school to be OVERRR. 6 MORE WEEKs

i tried to capitalize the 6 and it put ^. CoOoOoOoOoOoOoL.

Nicole sleeps every day all day. ? weirddddddd?


Friday, April 15, 2011

Its easier said then done.

Idiots. Thats how I describe them, Idiots. Getting over someone you really like is hard, break ups are hard too. You probably think Im some kind of love sick puppy. No. I laugh, smile, have a good time with my friends. I just need to vent sometimes.. And this is where I will I guess. "I am running out of words to say to you, wondering why Im wasting my time." Thats lyrics to a song I'm listening to right now btw. -Nevershoutnever. So I will inform you on this confusing situation I am in at the moment. Yeah I already told you how we broke up, blah... blah... BUT! He wants to be serious again... And stupid me yeah.... I do too. I cant help it! After he was being so sweet and stuff then he doesnt text me? ARE YOU KIDDING?! You. Are. An. Idiot. And you think Im gonna be texting you first and chattin it up at school like were good, funny boy. You should know by now. And I got to be honest, I hate to say this but I was making it very easy for you to win me back. I Like being texted first and those late night phone calls, those were my favorite<3 Well... Dumbo, you should do it again. My friend showed me this saying "I'm not mad at you I just hate the fact that every time your name lights up my phone I fall for you a little bit harder and everytime my name lights up your phone.. Well I'm just another girl to talk too.." I kinda wanna say this sometime Haha I hope it makes you feel bad. I hope you look at me when I walk by so you see me walking by. Yeah buddy. Im wearing a dress today too :) But dang I AM JUST SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW : D Oh! I have a kinda funny story to say. Soooo this guy had been texting me for like 2 weeks and he liked me but I didnt like him.. And I was camping with two of my friends(I dont really wanna take them 2 together again) and they knew about this boy and how he liked me. I liked the attention what girl wouldnt? Well guess what just take a guess. One of those friends is talking to him now, OF COURSE! Im not upset because I didnt like him but still... Now he doesnt talk to me. And she started talking to him 2 days after! Its funny when she tells me about him because he said those things to me.. I JUST WANT HER TO GET HER OWN GUYS BECAUSE SHE ALWAYS GOS AFTER OTHER PEOPLES GUYS, CRUSHES, EX'S. Which btw makes people DISLIKE you! Theres not much I can do to help you. But good luck with this guy, I hope idk something happens between you too. So you can be happy :) U smile, I smile -Justin Bieber

say waitttttttt?

You said the way my blue eyes shined put those Georgia stars to shame that night,
i said thats a lie.
Your just a boy in a chevy truck
that had a tendencay of getting stuck
on back roads at night.
and i was right there beside him
all summer long, and then the time we woke up to find
that summer gone..

But when you think Tim Mcgraw,
the one we danced to all night long
the moon like a spotlight on the lake
when you think happieness
I hope you think that little black dress
think of my head on your chest
and my old faded blue jeans
when you think Tim Mcgraw
i hope you think of me.. <3

September saw a month of tears
and thank god that you werent here
to see me like that.
but in a box beneath my bed
is a letter that you never read
from three summers back
Its hard not to find it all alittle bitter sweet
and lookin back on all of that its
nice to believe.

But when you think Tim Mcgraw,
the one we danced to all night long
the moon like a spotlight on the lake
when you think happieness
I hope you think that little black dress
think of my head on your chest
and my old faded blue jeans
when you think Tim Mcgraw
i hope you think of me.. <3

and im back for the first time since then
standin on your street
and theres a letter left on your door step
and the first thing that youll read is..

When you think Tim Mcgraw
i hope you think my favorite song
Some day youll turn your radio on
i hope it takes you back to that place
when you think happieness
I hope you think that little black dress
think of my head on your chest
and my old faded blue jeans
when you think Tim Mcgraw
i hope you think of me.. <3

My favorite song ever by T Swift<3

im going to see how long i can make this blog.

So today is friday....

Friday, friday, gonna get done on friday!

HA, Just kidding Rebecca Black sucks..

Anywho, my brother is in town for the Lil' Wayne concert tonight..
he was supposed to take me, but no he is taking his girlfriend -_-
Nbd, we have only lived with eachother since birth. AND he took her to Drake last year!

And next  friday is good friday, but we dont get it off cause we had 7498767662 snow days in January. but im still not going to school because im going to San Antonio to go see my brother (again) for Easter.

But im deeply mad because the love of my life, Luke Bryan<3 will be at Billy Bobs (the world largest honky tonk) good friday. The tickets are only 20$$$ and if your a member of his fan club, you get meet and greets! but i cant go... because we are going to San Antonio :(((
I could have meet him! IN PERSON, FACE TO FACE!

There are only to famous people in this world i HAVE to meet before i die, that would be Reba McEntire and Luke Bryan. I still havent met either of them! im already 15!! time is tickin away :(

So im getting a teacup piglet as soon as i save the money. Im naming it Gumpy.

go to YouTube and type in "Miss New Booty" and pick  the second one. its really funny! its the one with the girl from stickam. Dont worry she says it 5 times in the first minute..

OHMYGOSH, a Luke Bryan song just came on my ipod THEN a Reba song. its a sign from god! :O

So after school im going to the JV baseball game, cause im the manager.
then im going to the Varsity game because im a cheerleader.
Then im going ove to Elizabeths, and its gonna get CRUNKKKK.

i think i successfully made a pretty long blog.

Stay classy San Diego.

<3, tori.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Were out of goldfish... All thats left are crumbs. They were squished:( Poor little guys never stood a chance.

So Im kind of ticked

You know when sometimes people can really make you mad? Girls are stupid some people just need a good slap in the face. Im actually in a good mood today It Will Be A Good Day even though people make me mad. Like I know she isnt blind, I Know she sees what shes doing. Ive even told her but shes just gonna continue it but Im one of those people who will let things go so we wont fight. Im starting to get used to it but, it can still make me mad. If your wondering what she did. She keeps flirting with my ex boyfriend -_- and talks about him ALL the time. I wonder when she will realize that I really could careless what kind of funny thing they did and Its Not Even Funny. Shes cracking up and im like yeah ha thats cool. I also have another friend whos like that! She flirts with him like crazy in front of me and tells me how they text, Ok? Idk what she wants me to say.. And its REALLY funny how when I was dating him she used to tell me all the time hes such a douche why are you dating him? And talked all this crap "oh hes so mean". Oh yeah thats not funny.. Yet there best friends? Thats why girls are stupid and you never really know who you can trust. And people are noticing too! Cool -____- Tori was reading this and she guessed who it was, how funny.... Well if the girls who im talking about ever read this I would never do this to you. I was there for you when you were heart broken talked to you while you were crying I stopped talking to those guys because it made you happy. Whenever everyone hated you (btw they still kind of hate you) I was the only one who was your friend I stood by yourside when you were alone. And you do this to me. I take to much crap from people, Thanks for being such good friends. And also, I forgive you. I guess I understand how you have to flirt with every guy you communicate with.... Sense sometimes I feel like your flirting with me... Its kind of really weird. But I forgive you. Even though I wish you could see the hurt in my eyes when hes standing there waiting for you, hugging you.... Thats why I walk away..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Love at first sight

Dear Luke Bryan,
I am your biggest fan. Your the cutest thing ive seen, IN MY LIFE. I have every single one of your songs on my ipod. and im saving up to go to your concert. yes im saving my own money all for you<3
i will meet you one day! <3


Listen, Josh Peck, where have you been? if you were in a movie right now, i would pay GOOD money to go see it.

Words cant describe how I feel....

I saw it...

I saw the movie...

I used to not be a fan.....

But then I saw the movie....

I fell in love......

I want to date him...

And break up with him.....

So he can write a song about me. <3  

Six tips to help, after you have let yourself go.

Tip 1: first off, shave the fire crotch mustache.
Tip 2: the beard has to go too.
Tip 3: Contacts, there is only one person who can pull off the harry potter glasses. HARRY POTTER!
Tip 4: the only people who should be allowed to have their hair slicked back to their ears should be old people! Cut it.
Tip 5: The hair style from Drake and Josh was cute. Dont fix what isnt broken.
Tip 6: Color your hair back to the original brown.

Friday, January 14, 2011

What I do

She never think...
Yeah you sure broke my heart last week when you said you had slept with him i know you called I got them all..
Long were the nights when my days once revolved around you...
Im fergilicious...
I dont know what I want so dont ask me....
Hey, Hey ay ay ay, your lip stick stains...
But I never told you what i shouldve said.. No I never told you...
Why do you gotta go and make things so complicated?
Goodye my almost lover, Goodbye my hopeless dream, Im trying not to think about you. Cant you just let me be?
Because the hardest part of this is leaving you..
Butterfly, Butterly, butterfly fly away
Ill follow you into the dark...
I think Im fallin for you..
Did you forget that I was even alive? Did you forget everything we ever had? Did you forget? Did you forget? Did you forget about me?..
When you see my face i hope it gets you well

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So w are sitting in BCIS, thats why its my tittle ^^^^
anywayss.. Nicole is making up rythmes about the most ridiculous.. >.<

Im really hungry... and Nicole didnt bring snack again, so im about to die...

Im listening to a song right now called "theres you trouble" its by the dixie chicks, but i dont really like them any more cause i heard they were talking crap about REBA MCENTIRE :O

OHMYGOSH i forgot to tell you, i went to the Reba concert on Decemeber 4! i was three rows away from her <33333 i almost died, and she nodded at ME. Me and my two friends were sitting at the concert and we were like "WE LOVE YOU REBA!!!!" and we made the little hand hearts <3 and she looked my in the EYES and nodded with a HUGE grin! if my life ended at that moment i would have been complete<3

So yeahh.. at basketball today we didnt run ANY LADDERS! we ran 4 suicides but that isnt nothing compaird to ladders.

this is a ladder
you have to run
four trips in 24 seconds
5 trips in 35 seconds
7 trips in 50 seconds
9 trips in 1 minute and 5 seconds
11 trips in 1 minute 15 seconds
you have to go from 9 and work your way down -.-

It may not sound that bad but its really is.. i dont know why they call them ladders? they should call the DEATH!

Today im riding home with my bestfriend today after school, her name is Doucef, or Elizaboob <3

Nicole and Katie are reading blogs from katie's blogger (MissGingerKatie) Promotion (;
Thats right your welcome Katie!

So we have had this blog for about 4 months and we have 1 follower and its KATIE who is the Katie in Katie Nicole Tori >.<

Why is my name last^^^ )))):


Alright, well for some reason latley ive had this huge fasination for rhyming? Last night my family thought I was crazy! I was just cracking up because I kept thinking of these rhymes in my head. So last night was pj's birthday. PJ- Papa John. Who is my daddy.

Here are some cool rhymes I thought of myself because you know I rhyme because I have the time and its not a crime.. HAHAHA
I always use this one awesome blossom
My name is also The Best Of The West
My brother said I was lame.
Its such a Shame because hes the LAME one!
The iPad makes me sad.
Up and down thats how it goes...
Good and bad it really shows...
Thats my life.. To bad i dont have a wife
Na haha im a girl im not gonna have a wife!
Oh yeah? Well you suck and I have luck!
Gosh i am a funny bunny
Silly Willy.. Billy
I also am a comedian..
I have a comedy shop...
We sell Fans...
Ceiling fans..
Alright Bye, sky, fly