Tuesday, October 12, 2010


im playing cargo bridge cause its really fun, and im on level 7 and i CANT beat it:((((((( its making me so mad! hahaha i have to climb like up the steepest mountain!  so last week was homecoming and it was REALLLY lame! But LD FINALLY won a football game! that makes us 2-5 OHHHHH YEAHHHH SUCKKK ITTTTT! :D jk we are the worlds biggest joke this yearr haha the homecoming dance was lame. i got there at 8 and left at 8:45! hahaha they played songs from like the stone ages >.< but my birthday is tomorrow and im hopefully getting my PERMITTTTTTT :D  Nicole just informed me that she can type in chinesse on her phone! haha i wish mine could do thatt :P Well thats about all i have to say. Time to go lose some more at cargo bridge -___-

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